Power plant: a nonrenewable energy power plant built by the tycoon
Clean energy: a renewable energy power plant built by the government
Election: a change of power or a re-election of a political party to the majority of the Congress
Mines: a structure built by the tycoon to boost revenue in the power plants
Scandal: an action by the complacent lawmakers to ensure a majority in the next election
National parks: a structure built by the government to lower the climate meter and mitigate climate impacts
Disaster: an event that forces the government to pass a relief bill that can contain climate policy measures
Climate meter: a measurement of climate-change severity that increases and decreases due to gameplay factors
Oil Tycoon
Wants to raise money to build power plants and get complacent lawmakers elected in order to be able to build those power plants.
Object: build 5 power plants and raise $5k off of them
Complacent Lawmaker
Wants to help the tycoon make money because their campaign is funded by the tycoon.
Object: win elections and subsequently implement policy to help the tycoon
Progressive Politician
Wants to enact climate policy to prevent the tycoon from building power plants and making money.
Object: prevent the climate meter from reaching the deadly level
Begin the Game
There are six "role" cards (two tycoons, two complacents, two progressives). With three people, discard one of each role. With four people, discard one tycoon and one progressive, but keep two complacents. With five people, discard one tycoon only. With six people, keep all of the cards.
If there are multiple of either politician type, they play on a team, having one turn for every one turn a tycoon has. However, if there are two tycoons, each tycoon would get their own turn (and the politicians would still each get one turn).
Randomly deal the role cards to each person. Have everyone reveal their roles and give them the appropriate card deck (if they are the tycoon). Place the "disaster" cards at the top of the board.
The climate meter begins two places from the bottom.
The tax rate begins at $75/plant/turn.
The government begins the game with $5k in revenue
Have an election. The tycoon cannot donate to either campaign in this election. The complacent politicians and the progressive politicians will each roll the die. The higher roll will be in power at least until someone lands on an election space.
To begin the game, give the tycoon $700 and the government with $2k. There should be an unappropriated money bank, a government bank, and a tycoon bank.
The tycoon always goes first. If there are two tycoons, each will roll the die. The tycoon with the higher roll will then go first.
After the tycoon, continue in the clockwise direction, regardless of who is next.
Tycoon Gameplay
Roll die and move the appropriate number of spaces clockwise around the board
If they land on ELECTION:
Can fund extra die rolls for any campaign ($1.5k per roll).
Each campaign rolls the die, and the higher wins. If one campaign loses, but has been donated to by tycoon, they can pay money to roll again.
If they land on BUSINESS:
Draw a business card and do what it says
Make sure nobody else sees the card, unless the card says to play it immediately.
Business cards include tax evasion, extra revenue, etc.
Build (optional)
Build power plants in regions (2 per region maximum). Each power plant earns $700 at the end of each turn, and adds +0.5 to the climate meter at the end of each turn. Costs $500 to build.
Build mines (1 per region maximum). Each mine boosts power plant revenue in that region by $100 per plant per turn. Costs $500 to build.
Can build one thing per turn.
Lobby (optional)
Talk in secret with complacent lawmakers via whiteboard, get them to enact policies
Complacent Lawmaker Gameplay
Roll die and move the appropriate number of spaces clockwise around the board
If they land on ELECTION:
Can ask for money from tycoon for two die rolls ($1.5k needed to finance)
Roll die (1-5 = win, 6 = loss)
If they land on POLICY:
Government gains $25 in revenue.
Can enact lenient policy (i.e. tax cuts down to $75/plant/turn, open new regions of the map including the Arctic and Hawaii regions that are normally closed to power plants and drilling)
If they are in power, they need a 2, 3, 4, or 5 on the die to enact policy.
If they are not in power, they need exactly a 3 on the die to enact policy.
Can enact only one policy per turn
Engage in scandal (optional)
Get foreign interference to ensure wins in the next election
Roll die: 1-3 impeached (progressives gain power), 4-6 successful
Progressive Politician Gameplay
Roll die and move the appropriate number of spaces around the board
If they land on ELECTION:
Roll the die (1-3 = loss, 4-6 = win)
If they land on POLICY:
Government gains $25 in revenue.
Can enact crackdown policy (i.e. taxes up to $400 per plant per turn, closing Arctic and Hawaii areas)
If they are in power, they need a 2, 3, 4, or 5 on the die to enact policy.
If they are not in power, they need exactly a 3 on the die to enact policy.
Can enact only one policy per turn
Build (optional)
Only if they are in power, can use tax revenue to build one per turn:
Clean energy ($1k), -1 to climate meter on every turn (up to three of these can be built in each game)
National parks ($500), set area of land where the tycoon cannot build (up to five of these can be built in each game, cannot be built where there is already a power plant), decreases climate meter by 0.5 levels each turn
Can build one thing per turn.
End of Turn
Tycoon collects revenue for round
$700 for each power plant
Taxes are collected if applicable
Climate meter is increased/decreased
After 10 turns, power plants start increasing the climate meter +1 each per turn.
Draw a "potential disaster" card and do what it says
When a disaster card is drawn (1/2 potential disaster cards is a disaster card):
Set a timer for 10 minutes
There is no moving around the board until disaster is solved
Relief bills must be passed with all lawmakers in agreement
Form of climate policy may be passed in the relief bills
Building (clean energy, national parks, etc. that is within government power) can be secured through a disaster relief bill
After 5 minutes, rollbacks begin and power plants shut down (complacent politicians choose a policy to get rid of and progressive politicians choose a power plant to obliterate).
Reset a timer and decrease by -3 minutes
This will happen whenever the timer goes off (after first time, 10 minutes later; after second time, 15 minutes later; etc.)
Consequences of this can be worsened based on what the card says
Once relief bill is passed, normal gameplay resumes
Power plants:
Maximum of 2 per region
Maximum of 1 per state
Raise climate meter +0.5 per turn until the tenth turn
Raise $700 each per turn
Maximum of seven overall, but tycoon only needs five to win the game (plus $5k)
Tycoon can make a donation of up to $3k per turn (enough to fund two extra dice rolls)
Politicians cannot use tax money to fund campaigns
Paid money for an extra roll goes back into bank (not as taxes)
Even if able to fund more, maximum of three dice rolls per election
Policies available for majority use:
Tax cuts down to $75/plant/turn
Tax raises up to $400/plant/turn
Opening regions (Arctic and Hawaii)
Closing regions (Arctic and Hawaii; no other regions may be closed)
Creating national parks (up to 5)
Building clean energy (up to 3)
Creating limit of one power plant in a specific region
Increasing limit to three power plants in a specific region
Creating $200/turn subsidies toward the tycoon
Rolling back previously implemented policy
Other policies that require bipartisan support:
Relief bills for disasters
Other policy ideas that you think of in-game can be implemented, but only with bipartisan support
Each politician can enact only one policy per turn
3-6 players.
If there are more than three players, there should be two complacent politicians (with four), then two progressive politicians (with five), then two tycoons (with six).
If there are multiple of any politician's party, they play as a team and have one turn per full turn. If there are multiple tycoons, they play separately.
All lawmakers must agree on relief bill
Complacent lawmakers may enact pro-climate policy if the climate meter reaches one level from deadly
Progressive lawmakers may not enact anti-climate policy
Each time a progressive politician or complacent lawmaker moves past a corner of the board, the government gains $100 in revenue. If they land ON the corner, they gain $200.
Each time a progressive politician or complacent lawmaker lands on business/policy, the government gains $25 in revenue.
Players may agree on other rules ("laws") to implement during their game in order to change the game.
Outside of these rules, the instruction of gameplay, and any rules you create, nothing is illegal. Players may lie, cheat, or bluff to get the policies they want enacted.
End of Game
The game ends when:
The tycoon goes bankrupt (progressive politicians win)
The climate meter reaches the bottom (progressive politicians win, complacent lawmakers win with progressive politicians)
The tycoon has 5 power plants and $5k at the end of a full turn (tycoon wins, complacent lawmakers win with tycoon)
The tycoon reaches $10,000 in net worth (tycoon wins, complacent lawmakers win with tycoon)
The climate meter reaches the deadly level (tycoon wins, complacent lawmakers lose with progressive politicians)