Play the Game

A game created to simulate the effects of climate change and the consequences of a climate-complacent mindset that anyone can play.

Gameplay Information

Get the Materials



Begin the Game

Tycoon Gameplay

  1. Roll die and move the appropriate number of spaces clockwise around the board
    • If they land on ELECTION:
      • Can fund extra die rolls for any campaign ($1.5k per roll).
      • Each campaign rolls the die, and the higher wins. If one campaign loses, but has been donated to by tycoon, they can pay money to roll again.
    • If they land on BUSINESS:
      • Draw a business card and do what it says
      • Make sure nobody else sees the card, unless the card says to play it immediately.
      • Business cards include tax evasion, extra revenue, etc.
  2. Build (optional)
    • Build power plants in regions (2 per region maximum). Each power plant earns $700 at the end of each turn, and adds +0.5 to the climate meter at the end of each turn. Costs $500 to build.
    • Build mines (1 per region maximum). Each mine boosts power plant revenue in that region by $100 per plant per turn. Costs $500 to build.
    • Can build one thing per turn.
  3. Lobby (optional)
    • Talk in secret with complacent lawmakers via whiteboard, get them to enact policies

Complacent Lawmaker Gameplay

  1. Roll die and move the appropriate number of spaces clockwise around the board
    • If they land on ELECTION:
      • Can ask for money from tycoon for two die rolls ($1.5k needed to finance)
      • Roll die (1-5 = win, 6 = loss)
    • If they land on POLICY:
      • Government gains $25 in revenue.
      • Can enact lenient policy (i.e. tax cuts down to $75/plant/turn, open new regions of the map including the Arctic and Hawaii regions that are normally closed to power plants and drilling)
      • If they are in power, they need a 2, 3, 4, or 5 on the die to enact policy.
      • If they are not in power, they need exactly a 3 on the die to enact policy.
      • Can enact only one policy per turn
  2. Engage in scandal (optional)
    • Get foreign interference to ensure wins in the next election
    • Roll die: 1-3 impeached (progressives gain power), 4-6 successful

Progressive Politician Gameplay

  1. Roll die and move the appropriate number of spaces around the board
    • If they land on ELECTION:
      • Roll the die (1-3 = loss, 4-6 = win)
    • If they land on POLICY:
      • Government gains $25 in revenue.
      • Can enact crackdown policy (i.e. taxes up to $400 per plant per turn, closing Arctic and Hawaii areas)
      • If they are in power, they need a 2, 3, 4, or 5 on the die to enact policy.
      • If they are not in power, they need exactly a 3 on the die to enact policy.
      • Can enact only one policy per turn
  2. Build (optional)
    • Only if they are in power, can use tax revenue to build one per turn:
    • Clean energy ($1k), -1 to climate meter on every turn (up to three of these can be built in each game)
    • National parks ($500), set area of land where the tycoon cannot build (up to five of these can be built in each game, cannot be built where there is already a power plant), decreases climate meter by 0.5 levels each turn
    • Can build one thing per turn.

End of Turn

  1. Tycoon collects revenue for round
    • $700 for each power plant
  2. Taxes are collected if applicable
  3. Climate meter is increased/decreased
  4. After 10 turns, power plants start increasing the climate meter +1 each per turn.
  5. Draw a "potential disaster" card and do what it says



End of Game